fiction, making things, Montreal, Prose, writing

It’s a Bunny

Way back in 1996 Sean & I created an online literary magazine called It’s a Bunny. Back then, HTML was handcrafted, not yet easily accessible, making It’s a Bunny one of the first ezines of its kind.

Time Capsule 1997 – February 22 –In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly had been successfully cloned, and was born in July 1996.*Bill Clinton, the President of the United States, began his second term on January 20* August 31 – Diana, Princess of Wales, is taken to hospital after a car accident shortly after midnight, in the Pont de l’Alma road tunnel in Paris. She is pronounced dead at 04:00 a.m *August 29 – Over 98 (and possibly up to 400) are killed in the Rais massacre in Algeria *June 30 – Bloomsbury Publishing publish J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in London* In San Diego, California, 39 Heaven’s Gate cultists commit mass suicide at their compound.

In 1997 we actually made it to the top 100 sites on the web (I-way top 100 sites). It was a heady time. I was still in school and Sean acquired one of the first Canadian domain names which also accounts for why I now own I’m hoping that a more famous Jessica will come along and offer me many dollars for this domain. At the time, however, this did not occur to me – or anyone else for that matter. But the era attracted many talented, brave and desperate souls who were tired of waiting for their voices to be heard in traditional print magazines. The fiction in all three editions still reads beautifully. In fact, I think it is superior to almost anything on the market today, but I may be a tad biased.

After producing the third issue, I realized how much work it took to produce a high quality entity.  This aspect of publishing hasn’t changed, the HTML notwithstanding, and by the time this issue was out, I was through school and onto working. I stopped writing fiction for a long while, having gotten a job writing ad copy and website content and only made it back to fiction a few years ago when I decided to write a genre novel – crime actually – something dear to my heart. Over the next month or so I should have a volume of short stories out and hopefully my novel will follow. But for all fabulous fiction fans out there, here they are – the three volumes of It’s a Bunny.

3 thoughts on “It’s a Bunny”

  1. Kathy Walters says:

    Thank you for including me in this mailing. I’m a reader and will enjoy getting to know It’s a Bunny. Keep me informed about your books when they come out.

    Life in Big Sur couldn’t be more different than that in Key West although my activities of painting everyday and walking and doing yoga are the same. The 3-mile walk everyday is mostly uphill; the colors are spring green with fields of yellow wildflowers; the views are vast with the Pacific Ocean uninterrupted by anything but the very occasional boat or whale. I don’t know how this will affect the art but surely the colors will be different.
    Hope you are still painting.

  2. Talk about being way ahead of your time! This magazine from the mid-1990s has quality fiction, essays, paintings…if you’re even slightly interested in things artistic, go there and check it out. All three issues are on display and you’ll want to linger over each one.

    Hard to believe it was done so long ago.

  3. Grant says:

    Hey Jessica,

    It was good to find you again in litland. I too took a long break from fiction (simmering for twenty years, stuff is still okay as you say). On occasions when my publishing resume got trotted out I always included an address to Bunny. The It’s a Bunny hyperlink in the texts above don’t work for me, but the three issues can be found at:

    Looking forward to reading Arrest Me!


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