cooking, fruitcake, making things

First Fruitcakes

Dried fruit and nuts arrived a couple of days ago and I didn’t want to bother my new friend and her children who agreed to help me make the cakes. I have many more to make and don’t want to burn them out!

Yay, it's here!

I couldn’t resist  checking out the quality of this new mail-order source.

Well packaged

So after sampling some these fabu Marcona almonds and organic raisins, I got a bottle of rum and soaked currents, golden and dark raisins overnight. I am really happy with the flavor of the fruit, especially the gigantic golden raisins. they have a slight tang – not ultra sweet.

I need about 2 pounds of raisins for each recipe. One recipe makes two loaves.

I left it for another night – wasn’t ready to get out the heavy artillery – the KitchenAid workhorse. Finally a day later, after more fermenting, the process began.

chopping . . .
dicing . . .

More mixing . . .

The beast comes out of his hidey-hole!
5 eggs and many spices later . . . batter ready.

Finally, four little soldiers ready for the oven!

Yay! almost done!
Wrapped first in rum soaked cheesecloth, then plastic wrap then foil then another layer of plastic, labeled and stored until a week before Christmas when I decorate them.

2 thoughts on “First Fruitcakes”

  1. Mona says:

    Oh Yum!!!! I love fruitcake!!! PS: will I get to taste one of those you think?

  2. Katie says:

    I would like a fruitcake update please.

    Thank you.

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